What is it?
Ever experience a time when you don't know what direction to move in? Your relationships are proving difficult? You want to change your perspective, but don't know where to start? You feel stuck. When it comes to matters of the mind we often get stuck in thoughts & patterns, jobs, relationships, friendships, careers that are not utilising our true potential.
Life coaching may help you to identify & reach goals, devise solutions, gain self awareness, actualize potential & achieve positive growth.
Life coaching sessions are a time for us to focus on what changes you would like to make to improve your life. We will talk at length about what's happening in your life, discuss your thinking around the area/topic you want coaching on, and look at your options for bringing growth and success into this area.
Be your best self during life transitions
Improve relationships - partner / family / friends / colleagues
Cope better with day-to-day life
Overcome bad habits or patterns of behaviour
Understand your thinking better
Learn to roll with the punches that life ultimately throws us
Life is overwhelming or underwhelming
- Negative patterns of thought or beahviour arise frequently
Life appears unknown, unbalanced, stagnant
During menopause, empty nest
Change of career or promotion
When you need a little help!
Vision & Aims
Raising self awareness
Looking at behaviours & thoughts patterns
Learn self-responsibility & accountability
Increasing performance
Seeing new perspectives & viewpoints
Fully utilizing potential
Enhancing quality of life
Exploring new possibilities